
Unexpected Journey: EIT Climate-KIC, SPARK

EIT Climate-KIC SPARK: Unexpected Green Opportunities

May 2022

Lead partner: Czech University of Life Science

Speakers: Alice Máchová, Jan Urban, Adam Táborský, Tereza Májková

For motivation, we teamed up with the Ernst &Young ESG division. We invited the head of ESG Czech republic Alice Machová to introduce the main ideas and impact of ESG politics.

For tools, we invited Jan Urban, a researcher from Environment Center & Global Change Research Institute of Czech Academy of Science. By focusing on pro-environmental behavior, he demonstrates how we can influence others to be more conscientious.

And because SPARK took place in MAY and May is global mental health month, we invited Adam Táborský, a psychologist who focuses on Eco-psychology. Why nature is essential for our mental health. He taught us how to use our environment to stay sane.

As Czech University of Life Science Career Services, we add Career Tips through the presentation of Tereza Májková, a Recruiter from Ernst & Young.

EIT Climate-KIC SPARK: Impact – New Authenticity Driver

June 2022

Lead partner: ECCEDU

Speakers: Pavel Bartoš, Petr Vítek, Kurt Emil Eriksen, Andrea Ćirlićová

Kurt Emil Eriksen from VELUX focused on the need for transition in the construction sector and the actions taken by VELUX.  Andrea Ćirlićová  Global Sustainability manager of Novartis pharmaceutical company put the business efforts into the global bigger picture. Pavel Bartoš described the typical project pipeline from challenge identification to innovative idea implementation using design thinking methods. And last but not least, Petr Vítek shared his insights from the field of impact investment.

EIT Climate-KIC SPARK: Sharing Resources for Sustainable Design Delivery

November 2022
Lead Partner: Czech University of Chemistry and Technology
Speakers: Tiffany Cheng, Leyla Kyjánek Yunis, Martin Schätz

We debated the benefits of Maker spaces with shared hardware (especially including 3Dprinters). We spoke about open source libraries including Thingiverse with ready-to-print, free-of-charge data for 3D printing of specific tools(such as 10x cheaper microscopes for use where doctors need them but lack resources). Last topic was Instructables with ready-to-use manuals for producing a variety of tools and things.

We were presented with the potential of nature-inspired design and material programming in connection with computational design. We were taught how to easily prepare one’s own ready-to-print 3D designs in Tinkercad freeware.

European Centre for Career Education

The beginning of a brilliant career.